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Letting customers try products at home boosts online sales by 16% – here’s how

Try before you buy minimizes friction, boosts trust, delights shoppers & drives incremental revenue.

In the ever-evolving world of eCommerce, one aspect of the customer experience remains the same: People trust in-person shopping experiences more than online ones.

In traditional brick-and-mortar stores, the shopping process rewards exploration. Shoppers can browse, touch, feel, and try products before purchasing – building trust between the brand, the customer, and the product. In other words, the shopper only takes the products home after the shopper is confident in their choices.

Contrast this with the typical online shopping experience. The shopper scrolls through product pages, reads descriptions and reviews, and views images, but there’s always an element of uncertainty. Will the product match the photos? Will it fit as expected? Is it worth the price? The burden of trust shifts from the seller to the buyer.

Instead of an experience that delights, online shoppers are asked to pay upfront without ever seeing or experiencing the product in person. And if the product falls below expectations, the hassle of returns and refunds begins. This only further erodes the customer’s trust.

These factors compound to create barriers for consumers, often preventing people from ever placing their first online order with your brand. But what if you could bring that in-person “try before you buy” (TBYB) experience to your online store? (Spoiler: You can.) How would that shift captivate your shoppers and drive incremental revenue?

"It's like brick and mortar shopping in my home." - Diana D., Mississippi

Challenging the online shopping status quo of buying before trying

For over 20 years, eCommerce has operated under this trust imbalance, and consumers have reluctantly accepted it as the norm. However, at TryNow, we challenge that status quo. We firmly believe that trying beats buying, and this belief drives our mission to enhance online shopping experiences for both shoppers and brands.

With TryNow, customers no longer have to invest hard-earned money and unearned trust in products that may not suit them. Instead, they can transform the shopping experience from a leap of faith to a personalized at-home store visit. Shoppers can make informed decisions, try products in the comfort of their homes, and, most importantly, lower the barriers to purchase.

For brands, the benefits of a “try now” button on your product pages can be transcendent. TryNow encourages more potential customers to try your products,  delights more shoppers, and leads to incremental revenue for your brand. And with 7 days to try at home vs. 30 days to return, your business can move inventory faster.

Try Before You Buy is the better “Free Shipping” and “Easy Returns”

The concept of TBYB is more than a catchy slogan or attention-grabbing promotion; it’s a powerful incentive for driving loyalty. Unlike incentives like “free shipping” or “easy returns,” TBYB does not require customers to commit to a product they might not like.

Free shipping and returns are now table stakes – there’s no competitive advantage to be gained when every brand offers them. While easy returns and refunds may offer customers a degree of reassurance, it doesn’t always feel that way. 

Most notably, the effort required to return something that doesn’t meet the customer’s expectations is more than many people will take on. Only 18% of consumers return online purchases more often than in-store purchases. But the people who hang on to unwanted items are much less likely to shop with your brand again. 

Meanwhile, offering a TBYB option ensures money doesn’t leave the customer’s account until they’re 100% sure about the product. The strength of your products can speak for themselves, keeping customers excited about their new purchases. These two factors put power back in the hands of the consumer by bringing the in-person “dressing room” experience to eCommerce – driving incremental revenue for brands that offer TBYB.

“It felt really nice to be able to try on a product before having to commit to it (physically and financially).” - Casey C., Oregon

Get your products in more homes & boost online store sales by 16% with TBYB

Trusted by Billy Reid, McMullen, and many more, TryNow is the leader for custom TBYB solutions. We’re not just changing how consumers shop but also helping brands connect with more customers and expand their reach. TryNow users boost online store sales by up to 16% on average, leading to a 24x return on investment (ROI). Nothing builds customer loyalty and success like trust, especially in eCommerce. 

With a TBYB approach, you can offer a frictionless, delightful shopping experience that gets your products into more homes. Instead of sticking with tactics that lead to plateauing results, unlock new growth opportunities that put your customers in control.

But no need to take our word for it – try TryNow free for 45 days.

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